Painting by numbers is a type of art activity in which a canvas is pre-divided into numbered sections. The participant uses a corresponding set of paints to fill the areas according to the numbers. It is often marketed as a relaxing and enjoyable activity that people of all ages and skill levels can do.

In terms of expectations, many people may expect painting by numbers to be a relatively simple activity. They may expect the process to be relaxing and therapeutic and wish to create a finished product that looks similar to the example image provided.

In terms of reality, painting by numbers can be relaxing and enjoyable, but it can also be more challenging than some expect. While the numbered sections provide a helpful guide, they still require some artistic ability and attention to detail to accurately fill the areas and create a cohesive final image. Additionally, the finished product may not always look exactly like the example image, as it will depend on the individual’s skill level and the quality of the paints and canvas used.

Overall, painting by numbers can be a fun and satisfying activity, but it is essential to have realistic expectations and be prepared for some challenges.